Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 31: Exercise
I love working out. As bad as I am about getting to the gym, once I am there I love just throwing anything at my body, as much as it can handle. I love the next few days too, feeling that satisfying soreness in my limbs, knowing that I was successful and that my body is healthy, moving and in good shape. Besides, working out is a wonderful way to get out of my mind, destress, relax and even vent frustration on myself.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Day 30: Washable Crayons
I am allowed to draw on my walls with washable crayons because it comes off easily. I love this freedom and I love being able to take a crayon and just go crazy on the walls (something I was never allowed to do as a kid). I have Bible verses, quotes, pictures, all sorts of things have been on my walls in crayon. I am thankful that Gordon allows me to color all over my walls, just as long as I take it off before the year ends!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Day 29: Sign Language
I helped out in children's church this morning at Netcast and there was a precious little girl there today. I was in the 2 year old's room, which I hadn't helped in before, but I do love that age. Anyways, this little girl, Ruthie, had hearing aids and had obviously not had the easiest time learning to talk. She could communicate with us though, but she also signed a lot. I know a scattering of sign language and was able to form a bond with her through that. It was obvious that she couldn't sign around everyone because most people weren't able to understand that, but I was able to sit with her and point to letters, signing them and saying them, able to call her a beautiful girl, able to rejoice over the balloons we saw and so much more. I was so thankful for the bond with an incredible two-year-old child.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day 28: Musicals
I went to Gordon's production of H.M.S. Pinnafore tonight and they did an incredible job! Everyone performed wonderfully, the orchestra was incredible, the costumes, props, lighting, sounds... everything was stunning. It really reminded me of my love of musicals and how thankful I am for them. They aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I have been blessed with the ability to see some really stellar musicals and enjoy the quality productions I have been privy to.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Day 27: Eat Pray Love
Tonight I watched Eat Pray Love with some friends. I hadn't seen it before, but it's been on my list of must-sees for a while now. It was such a good movie. There were lots of quotes that I wanted to include in this post, but one really stuck out to me. Now, maybe this got to me because her name is Liz and throughout the entire movie she is really just seeking balance and harmony in her life... she's trying to get her life together. She meets a medicine man named Katut and [spoiler alert] she tells him that she broke it off with her new boyfriend because she couldn't keep the balance she had worked so hard to find when she was committed in a relationship. Katut tells her, "Liz, sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living a balanced life." Now I'm not falling in love, but even for me sometimes it is hard to commit to friendships or the possibility of a relationship because that would completely unbalance the life I have settled into quite comfortable. Anyways, it was an incredible movie and one that I would highly recommend. I am thankful for this movie that inspired me.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Day 26: Peace
I went into a second grade classroom today to observe in order to teach next week. Whenever I start in a new classroom, I have a bit of a panic attack at some point in the process. Mine happened yesterday for this class. I was so concerned that I was going to have to teach and I didn't have any idea what I was doing. I still don't, but after going into the classroom and meeting the teacher, I'm not as concerned anymore. In fact, I've found peace about the whole process. This morning before I left, I read Joshua 1:9, which is God speaking to Joshua as He appoints Joshua as the new leader of Israel and they finally get to enter the Promised Land. God says to him, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." It is not a suggestion; God commands Joshua to be brave because God is with him. I too can be strong and courageous in this process, because God is with me just as much as He was with Joshua as he walked into the Promised Land.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Day 25: Repentance
I will admit that I haven't been on the best terms with God lately. I've actually been fairly pissed at Him for some stuff He let happen last semester and have had a lot of doubts about different things. Tonight during Bible Study we had a small group that were able to make it, and at the end someone asked if we could gather together and pray for repentance-- individual and as a group. As others were able to confess some things that they had been struggling with and some sins that had become routine, I was able to confess and repent of the way I've been treating God, which consisted mostly of ignoring Him. Repentance is something that we all need to do, but something that is hard too. I know that not all people or religions are able to repent in the way my God allows us to, and I am thankful to Him for the way He allows us to repent, and then welcomes us back into His loving arms.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Day 24: Uganda
At the beginning of this year, I was hoping to go on a missions trip to Uganda over the summer. Now I am leading a trip to Uganda. I've wanted to go to Africa since I was about 6 years old and am SO EXCITED. I am so thankful for this opportunity to go and experience this new culture that I want to get actively involved in after college. I'm mainly writing about this today because we had our first team meeting tonight and I love the team that has come together to go on this trip. This is something I am so extremely grateful for, and you will definitely be hearing more about this trip on this blog!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Day 23: My Small Group
This picture was taken on our small group retreat at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Tonight we had our first get-together since break has ended. We watched The Sandlot and had a cereal buffet and had a really good time. I love that our group has the ability to be funny and laid back and just enjoy each other and that we can also become serious and have really good discussions. It is fun to see the relationships in the group grow and people as individuals mature, but maybe that's just the developer in me. I am so thankful for these freshman (and, of course, my wonderful co-leader Steven) and for the times we have enjoyed having together!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Day 22: Church
I know a lot of people have a problem with the established Church and with religion as a whole. As a Christian, I try to love the Church as Christ does, but it can be hard to when I'm looking at all her failures. But today, she really came through for me and I was able to reconnect with God in a wonderful way through the Church. I went to Netcast Church this morning, and Matt's sermon really hit home today. Later, I went to Catacombs, which is an hour of acoustic worship in the dark at school. As flawed as she is, I am thankful for the way God still uses and works through the Church, His bride. She may not be perfect, but neither am I. I am thankful for Netcast especially, as it really is a home for me, something I haven't always had.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Day 21: Nighttime Dreams
Yes, I have had a dream where I was battling a dragon. One where I was hanging out (and best friends) with Darren Criss, one of my favorite singers/ actors. Another time I dueled with Yoda in a conference room. Once I had my sandwich stolen from me as I slept in a truck by a homeless man who then jumped into his cart and rode down a steep hill.
I decided today to keep a dream journal. I have always had bizarre dreams and they often make me laugh in the mornings. Or I will have a nightmare and won't want to fall back asleep. Either way, I am grateful for a very real escape from reality into something that is usually better, something fun and exciting. It is a little like a book, only feels a lot more realistic and is from my own point of view. They seem to me to be such random, bizarre things, but I love them and am grateful for them.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Day 20: Late Nights
This one I edited to change the time since I want the heading to be each individual day, but I didn't get back to my room until probably 1:30 the morning of the 21st. Where was I? At Marty's Doughnut shop, which opens at midnight each night. It is a great student place to go with friends. We got a half gallon of chocolate milk and bought the fresh doughnuts that were made while we stood there, so were still warm when we ate them! That is something I have definitely missed about being at college; the late nights hanging out with friends, not even doing anything. Kari, Stevie and I spent hours in my room just talking, laughing and them trying to kill me with my own pillows. I love hanging out until all hours of the morning and seeing how ridiculously goofy people get when it gets late. I know 1:30 isn't all that late, but I love late nights.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day 19: Friends!
I'm back at Gordon and have been smiling all day long! I've been seeing friends all day, friends I haven't seen for a month or more. Even when I'm not seeing new friends, I'm seeing reunions between friends. It is so happy and exciting and it snowed today too! I love just walking around campus and seeing people, even just the familiar faces of people I don't even know. Hugs have been incredible too, and I've gotten plenty of those! I am euphoric today and am just so enjoying everyone being here!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Day 18: Not being dead.
Funny story: Today, my friend Stevie was waiting for my flight to get in as we came back to school. Her flight had gotten in a couple hours earlier and she had arranged a ride for us once I got in. About an hour before my flight was supposed to get in, Stevie went to the Delta ticket counter to see if she could track me and make sure my flight was on time. Unfortunately, the only Liz Maurer they could find in the system was from Kansas City and all Stevie knew was that I was flying out of Kansas. This Liz Maurer's flight was delayed and eventually cancelled and she was last known to be in California right before she abruptly dropped out of the system. The customer support lady told Stevie that someone's name only disappeared if either they never existed or the plane had gone down. That was all she could tell Stevie.
For the next hour, Stevie thought I was dead. At best, she figured I was in California with no way of getting to Boston. She didn't know what to do. My friend Ari seriously wondered if I had ever existed.
That is what I turned on my phone to when I landed on time in Boston Logan airport. Texts and missed calls from frantic friends figuring out where I was. I don't know what happened to the other Liz Maurer, but I know that I am grateful to be alive and to be back in my dorm room!
For the next hour, Stevie thought I was dead. At best, she figured I was in California with no way of getting to Boston. She didn't know what to do. My friend Ari seriously wondered if I had ever existed.
That is what I turned on my phone to when I landed on time in Boston Logan airport. Texts and missed calls from frantic friends figuring out where I was. I don't know what happened to the other Liz Maurer, but I know that I am grateful to be alive and to be back in my dorm room!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 17: My bed
I know this is silly, but tonight is my last night in my bed at home for probably 5 months or so. Tomorrow night I will be back on my thin dorm mattress. I look forward to this last night in my big, comfy bed with my down blanket and fluffy pillows. I love how soft and wonderful my bed is, and know people who prefer their dorm beds to their home ones.
Although now that Angela has moved out, I might just have to steal her mattress, since she had the comfy one anyways!
Although now that Angela has moved out, I might just have to steal her mattress, since she had the comfy one anyways!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 16: Sticky notes
I am a very forgetful person. Something that forgetful people are thankful for is sticky notes. I can write down my to-do list, shopping list, a quote I like, a completely random reminder, then stick it wherever it needs to go for me to remember it. I am constantly writing random tidbits on small pieces of paper and am grateful for whatever scatterbrained person (or friend of scatterbrained people) came up with the brilliant idea of a sticky note. It is a wonderful, incredible, stunning invention that has saved me a whole lot of trouble!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day 15: Skype and Oovoo
Skype and Oovoo are wonderful creations! When I'm at school I can stay in touch with my family at home. When I'm at home I can stay in touch with my friends from school! And no matter where I am, I can stay in touch with my friends from Chicago. They give me the ability to have the late night conversations I'm so used to at school, even when I'm on break. It is my favorite way and what I think is the most personal way to stay in touch with people you aren't with. I love it and am thankful for my friends who skype or oovoo with me!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 14: A Day with Sarah Grace
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day 13: Liz Maurer Images
I started a business today... above is my new, well, logo I suppose. Or watermark. Either way, it is going in the corner of my pictures so that people know they are mine. Tomorrow I will pitch the idea to coffee shop owners I hope will let me sell the pictures in the shop. Either way, I am thankful for the support I've gotten with photography and with the whole idea of selling these. I am thankful for the people that have challenged me to think further outside the box and for the ones who will never know how big of a difference they have made in my creative life.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 12: Good Health
I went to both the doctor and the dentist today... it was a fun day. However, it was good to remember that I don't have any serious medical issues and that I live in a time and place that going to the dentist simply to get my teeth cleaned is possible, as much as it may suck. If I were to get seriously ill or hurt, I could get adequate medical treatment, which is something millions of people cannot say. Even with those available, some people have conditions that require frequent treatment and can cripple or even kill them. I have been so blessed to have the health and the medical availability that God has given to me.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day 11: Grace
I'm already falling behind at this, posting for two days certain days because I forgot to post the day before... of course, I post with the date saying that I posted on the day I was supposed to. I am thankful that God operates in a manner that doesn't condemn me if I accidentally miss a day of praying to him. His grace is sufficient for days, weeks, months or even years of ignoring him. I am very, very thankful for His grace.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 10: Creativity
Today my mom and I went out and took pictures around Sterling of letters and things that looked like letters from the town. The plan is to put them together if people custom order them with their last names and sell them at the cafe in town called Broadway Market. This is a rough draft of what the one I would advertise with in Broadway Market would look like! It was tons of fun to get out with my mom and the dog and just walk around taking pictures!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Day 9: Writing
I have had incredible adventures while reading. I never imagined that I could have even bigger adventures while writing. I've always enjoyed writing, but lately I took it to a new level which I had never reached before-- I got past the second chapter in a novel. I've been doing background research and really delving deeply into this world that I am creating. I might be insane, but I've taken the time to really get to know my characters and figure out who they are. It is so much fun!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day 8: My Parents
Tonight I picked my parents up from the airport after almost a week of them being gone. Now, I haven't always had the most perfect relationship with them, but I've really learned to appreciate them, especially since being off at college. I really have realized a fraction of how much they do for me. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for my parents.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Day 7: Past Saturday Mornings
Saturday was always a good day for me as a child. I got Saturday cereal (what we called anything with sugar in it) for breakfast, had Saturday morning cartoons, got the day off of school, got to play with friends and if we went grocery shopping with mom it was at Sam's Club and we got free samples. It didn't last too many years, because when I started swimming competitively when I was 8, I had practices those mornings. When I'm at school, Saturday mornings are sometimes free, but mostly devoted to homework. However, the memories I have from my childhood Saturday mornings are wonderful!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Day 6: Tears
"The cure for anything is saltwater-- sweat, tears, or the sea."- Isak Dinesen
I know this is a little weird to be thankful for, but I am. I am thankful for the release of emotion that comes with tears streaming down your face, for the healing and peace you can begin to feel after the tears. Tears that come from the innermost part of your being, that rise to the surface and you cannot control them as they race down your face. Sobbing, screaming, or silently accepting them. One way or another, the tears come. They need to come. Tears force you to externalize pain, not allowing you to hold it in and tear at you from the inside. I have tasted many of my own salty tears, enough to appreciate them and know that they must end. When they end, the healing begins.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day 5: My Puppy!
For 19 years of my life, I asked if we could have a dog. The answer was always no. About 12 years ago, my little sister joined me in the asking. Because she is our parents' favorite, this fall we got a puppy. He is an adorable Weimeraner named Jack who is almost 5 months old now. The moment I met him, I fell head over heels for the little guy. The past couple of days it has been me and him, lounging around the house. He finds his spot in the sunshine and plops down and I curl up with my book. We get along pretty well! I love him and he tolerates me. Today, I am grateful that my family (finally) got a puppy, and thankful that it is one as incredible as Jack!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Day 4: Memories
Today I worked on a quilt for my best friend from childhood. The quilt was originally for her mom, who was fighting cancer, but when she lost the battle, my mom and I decided to make it instead in memory of her. We'll give it to her daughter (my friend) once the final pieces have been put together. The quilt has been difficult to make, each piece reminding me of what was lost. However hard it was, though, I am so grateful for the ability to have known her, and the memories I can look back on. Good or bad, memories are incredible things that give me hope for the future and some comfort for the present.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 3: Music
Singing as loud as I can as I drive. Trying to play an instrument (and absolutely failing). Lyrics that, as cheesy as it sounds, say what I don't know how to. Singing when nobody can hear me. The ability to drown out my family on long car trips (short ones too). There is something so mysterious about music, something that captivates and bewitches you in a way nothing else really can. The soul rises and falls with the crescendos and decrescendos.
My favorite time to sing is at Church or catacombs-- singing to God. Or at Christmastime, singing Silent Night by candlelight in an otherwise dark sanctuary. Traditional songs that I've heard a thousand times juxtaposed with the newer songs. Some songs come and go; others never get old. I don't care if it is recorded, live, or simply me belting out in the car, I am thankful for music.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day 2: Free Time
I love being at home. Tomorrow my older brother heads back to school, my parents go to Florida and my little siblings start school too. I have 5 days by myself except after the kids get back from school and I am so excited. I have nothing that I have to do, meaning I can read, workout, cook, play with my puppy... anything I want to do. It has been such a long time since I've had this much free time; summers I work and most breaks are full of schoolwork. This week, all of my time is free time.
I'm so excited.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day 1: Books
I am so thankful for books. Long books, short books, classics... a book that gets you so sucked in, so completely immersed, that you completely forget who you are and what your life it. Tracing the details of plot lines, falling in love with characters, mourning their deaths. Walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast with Harry, Hermione and Ron; fighting in the barricade with Marius, Enjoras, Grantaire and the others; sitting for tea with the Mad Hatter and March Hare; sitting in class with Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. The books pull you in, surrounding you, completing you. It sounds mental, but there are times I need to remind myself to eat, to breath. Nights pass with the thought "Just one more chapter... one more", ending at four in the morning with a finished book.
I am thankful for books.
I am thankful for books.
A New Year
This year, I am challenging myself in a lot of ways. One of these ways is this blog-- I am going to update every day with something I am thankful for! I need to be grateful for more things in my life, and this is how I hold myself accountable. There will be times (when I'm in Uganda or at camp) that I can't update, but I will come back with a list of things I am thankful for, one for each day I was gone.
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
~E. E. Cummings
So, without further ado...
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